That Man Hath Perfect Blessedness (PSALM 1)
That man hath perfect blessedness, In judgement, therefore shall not stand
Who walketh not astray The wicked and profane
In counsel of ungodly men, Nor in assembly of the just
Nor stands in sinners way Shall wicked men appear!
Nor sitteth in the scorner’s chair For why? The way of righteous men
But placeth his delight Unto the LORD is known
Upon God’s law, and meditates Whereas the way of wicked men
On His law day and night! Shall quite be overthrown!
He shall be like a tree that grows For why? The way of righteous men
Near planted by a stream Unto the LORD is known
Which in its season yields its fruit Whereas the way of wicked men
And his leaf fadeth not Shall quite be overthrown!
And all he does shall prosper well
The wicked are not so
But like they are unto the chaff
Which wind drives to and fro!
Ten Thousand Foes (PSALM 3)
O LORD, how many are my foes; Arise, O LORD! Save me my God!
How many up against me rise! Deliver for Your mercy’s sake!
They all are say-ing now of me Strike all my en’mies on the jaw;
“In vain he on his God relies!” The wicked’s teeth, in pieces break!
But You are my protector, LORD! The LORD alone deliverance sends!
You are a shield around me spread! No other source of help have we!
My glory comes from You alone, Therefore, upon Your people all
The one who raises up my head! May Your eternal blessing be!
When to the LORD I lift my voice
In face of those who hate me still;
The LORD will hear my cry to Him
And answer from His holy hill!
I settle down and sleep in peace!
I wake in God’s upholding hand!
I will not fear ten thousand foes
Who circling round against me stand!
That man hath perfect blessedness, In judgement, therefore shall not stand
Who walketh not astray The wicked and profane
In counsel of ungodly men, Nor in assembly of the just
Nor stands in sinners way Shall wicked men appear!
Nor sitteth in the scorner’s chair For why? The way of righteous men
But placeth his delight Unto the LORD is known
Upon God’s law, and meditates Whereas the way of wicked men
On His law day and night! Shall quite be overthrown!
He shall be like a tree that grows For why? The way of righteous men
Near planted by a stream Unto the LORD is known
Which in its season yields its fruit Whereas the way of wicked men
And his leaf fadeth not Shall quite be overthrown!
And all he does shall prosper well
The wicked are not so
But like they are unto the chaff
Which wind drives to and fro!
Ten Thousand Foes (PSALM 3)
O LORD, how many are my foes; Arise, O LORD! Save me my God!
How many up against me rise! Deliver for Your mercy’s sake!
They all are say-ing now of me Strike all my en’mies on the jaw;
“In vain he on his God relies!” The wicked’s teeth, in pieces break!
But You are my protector, LORD! The LORD alone deliverance sends!
You are a shield around me spread! No other source of help have we!
My glory comes from You alone, Therefore, upon Your people all
The one who raises up my head! May Your eternal blessing be!
When to the LORD I lift my voice
In face of those who hate me still;
The LORD will hear my cry to Him
And answer from His holy hill!
I settle down and sleep in peace!
I wake in God’s upholding hand!
I will not fear ten thousand foes
Who circling round against me stand!