Sermon Outline July 23, 2023

What do we mean when we say worship vs what does God say about it?

I. The Imperatives of Worship (Psalm 100:1-4a)
A. Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth (v1)
B. Serve the Lord w/gladness (v2a)
C. Come into His presence w/singing (v2b)
D. Know that God is God (v3)
E. Enter His Gates/courts w/thanksgiving, praise, blessing (v4a)

II. The Intimacy of Worship (v5)
A. God's goodness
B. God’s steadfast love
C. God's enduring faithfulness

III. The Impact of Worship on the Worshiper (vv2, 4)
A. Transformation through worship (vv2, 4)
B. Worship as the fuel for missions (v4b)

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