Rom 1:21-32 SS Outline & Questions

Romans 1:21-32
The Effects of Sin on Religion (vv21-23)
21a says they knew God
21b says they knew, but they didn’t honor him as God.
21c-22 says their thinking became confused and foolish
23 says specifically that they ceased worshiping God and turned to worshiping idols.
Verse 23 alludes to both Psalm 106:20 & Jer 2:11
The Moral Effects of Sin (vv24-32)
24 God gave people over to lusts of the heart
25 because they abandoned the true God (blessed forever, Amen)
26-27 For this reason, God gave people over to dishonorable passions.
28 God gave people over to a failed mind b/c they rejected Him.
29-31 God turns them over to practice sin and encourage others to the same
32 they receive a death sentence for it

  1. Does everyone know God exists? (21a)
  2. Does this type of knowledge save them? (21a)
  3. What is it about their behavior that doesn’t save them? (21b)
  4. What is idolatry?
  5. What are some modern forms of idolatry (Romans 1:23) that might take the place of God in our lives today?
  6. What does Paul mean by “exchanging the truth of God for a lie” (Romans 1:25), and how does this reflect humanity's spiritual condition?
  7. According to Romans 1:24-25, how does God’s giving over to "uncleanness" demonstrate His judgment?
  8. In Romans 1:26-27, how is sexual immorality connected to the judgment of God, and why does Paul highlight homosexuality as a specific manifestation of this judgment?
  9. What does the "debased mind" in Romans 1:28 reveal about the effects of sin on human reasoning and moral judgment?
  10. What does v32 teach about the approval of evil and those who perpetuate it?

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