Sermon Outline 10.20.2024
Text: Romans 2:17-29
Title: “The Intoxication of Spiritual Pride”
I. Introduction
II. You can’t hide behind pietism (Romans 2:17-24)
A. False Security in Possession of the Law (vv. 17-20)
B. False Security in thinking you’re “better” than everyone else (vv. 21-23)
C. The Consequence: God’s Name Is Blasphemed Among the Gentiles (v. 24)
III. You can't hide behind sacraments (Romans 2:25-29)
A. The Limitations of Circumcision (vv. 25-27)
B. True Circumcision Is a Matter of the Heart (vv. 28-29a)
C. The Consequence: your praise comes from man (2:29b)
IV. Conclusion
Title: “The Intoxication of Spiritual Pride”
I. Introduction
A. Context: Rom 1 emphasizes the universality of sin, but now Paul addresses the Jews, who take pride in having the Law. This passage highlights that possession of the Law or reliance on rituals, like circumcision, does not guarantee righteousness. True righteousness is a matter of the heart.
B. Key Idea: The Law and sacraments are good, but insufficient for salvation. They only bring condemnation. We cannot hide from what the Law reveals about who we are. Paul calls for heart transformation through the Spirit.
C. Exposition: In Chapter 2, Paul addresses Jews who would agree w/chap 1 and the condemnation of mankind on the basis of their rejection of God and subsequent idolatry. But, these Jews excuse themselves from that condemnation, believing they are 1) very moral (they possess the higher law and higher standards of conduct than others) and 2) they participate in the sacrament of circumcision. We learn from Paul that God’s concern is not chiefly with our knowing the truth but with our living it (2:1-16). It is not a matter of having the Law, but obeying it (2:17-24). And, that true salvation is a matter of the heart that comes by the Spirit and not adherence to sacraments (2:25-29).
II. You can’t hide behind pietism (Romans 2:17-24)
A. False Security in Possession of the Law (vv. 17-20)
- 2:17-18: Paul begins by addressing the Jews' reliance on the Law and their identity.
- They boast in their connection to God and knowledge of His will
- 2:19-20: They see themselves as teachers of the blind and guides to the ignorant.
- Knowledge of God's truth is a gift, but it comes with responsibility.
B. False Security in thinking you’re “better” than everyone else (vv. 21-23)
- 2:21-22: Knowing & teaching Law is worthless if not lived out in practice.
- Uses 8th, 7th, 2nd & 1st commandments.
- 2:23: Paul emphasizes that breaking the Law dishonors God, even if they claim allegiance to it.
C. The Consequence: God’s Name Is Blasphemed Among the Gentiles (v. 24)
- The world is watching how we live our faith.
III. You can't hide behind sacraments (Romans 2:25-29)
A. The Limitations of Circumcision (vv. 25-27)
- 2:25: Circumcision is valuable only if the Law is obeyed.
- Circumcision was a sign of the covenant w/God.
- Gen 15:17: “When the sun had gone down and it was dark, behold, a smoking fire pot and a flaming torch passed between these pieces.”
- 2:26-27: If an uncircumcised person keeps the Law’s requirements, he will be regarded as circumcised.
- True obedience from the heart is more important than outward rituals.
B. True Circumcision Is a Matter of the Heart (vv. 28-29a)
- 2:28: Paul contrasts outward identity w/inward reality. It isn’t external markers but internal change.
- 2:29a: The true mark of belonging to God’s people is a heart transformed by the Holy Spirit, not external adherence to religious sacraments.
- Salvation isn’t secured by your associations.
C. The Consequence: your praise comes from man (2:29b)
- The person whose heart is circumcised by the Spirit seeks God’s approval, not human praise. Paul uses this in 2 Cor 10:18 as well.
- Read Luke 18:11-14. We cannot hide from what the Law reveals about who we are.
IV. Conclusion
- Summary: Knowing the Word of God & participating in religious rituals are vital, but not salvific. What matters is a heart changed by the Spirit, leading to obedience.
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