Sermon Outline 12.15.24

Text: Matthew 2:1-12
Title: “Star of Wonder, Star of Light”

I. Introduction: The Wonder of God With Us
II. The Magi’s Journey: Seeking the King
A. Who Were They?
B. Why Did They Come?
III. Contrasting Responses to Christ
A. The Magi
B. Herod
C. Religious Leaders
IV. The Star: God’s Leading Light
A. The Nature of the Star
B. Theological Insight
V. Worship: The Proper Response
A. Heart of Worship
B. Application
  1. Seek Christ Diligently
  2. Give Sacrificially
  3. Proclaim His Kingship
VI. Conclusion: Behold the King
Psalm 72:19 – "Blessed be His glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with His glory!"

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