Sermon Outline 3.24.24

Peacemaking 101: Come to Peace in the Name of the Lord
Text: Joshua 22

vv1-9—Righteous Rest & Return (Creation)

vv10-12—Replication Remedies (Fall)

vv13-34—Redemption (God works reconciliation & restoration to make peace)
Reconciliation is the removing of obstacles that are built in response to conflict, disappointed expectations, or misplaced assumptions. 
Restoration is the improvement and expansion of the relationship.
  1. vv13-29—Reconcilation
  • vv13-20—Rebellion Suspected
  • vv13-15—Representatives Sent
  • vv16-20—Reproaches Stated
  • vv21-29—Reasons Supplied

2. vv30-34—Restoration
  • v30—Report Received
  • v31—God’s Restraint Recognized
  • v32—Representatives Return
  • v33—Relationships Renewed
  • v34—Replicas Retain Unity & Peace

How does Peacemaking 101 work for the church today?
  • We need more men like Phineas
  • We need to recognize God's Sovereignty in divisions

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