Romans 3:1-8 Sunday School Outline

Romans 3:1-8

  • If you divide Romans into two parts, what chapters go in each part and what are the parts about
  • What theological idea about our salvation is the main theme of Romans?
  • Who is Paul’s main audience in chapter 2?
  • What is the gospel according to Romans 1:16?
  • Who is Paul speaking to in Romans 3:1-8?
  • Why is Paul raising these questions? 

I.      The Advantages of Faithful Citizenship in God’s Kingdom (Romans 3:1-4)
  • What chief advantage does the Jew have according to v2?
  • What other advantages do the Jews have? 
  • And why did they have these advantages?
  • Were the Jews faithful with the advantages God gave to them?
  • What is the answer to Pauls’ question in v3?

II. The Manifestation of God’s Glory Through Justice (Romans 3:5-8)
  • What is the point of Paul’s question in v5?  
  • What is the answer to Paul’s question in v8?

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