Sunday School 11.24.2024 Outline

Justification by Faith in the Life of Abraham

Main Idea: God justifies sinners through faith alone, as exemplified in Abraham, whose trust in God's promise was counted as righteousness

I. Abraham’s boast? (4:1-2)
II. Abraham was not justified by works (4:3-8)
III. Abraham was not justified by sacraments (4:9-12)
IV. Abraham was not justified by the Law (4:13-16)
V. Abraham’s faith counts like ours (4:17-25)

  1. What is the subject of Romans chapter 4?
  2. What OT Text proves Abraham was justified by faith?
  3. Is salvation given to good or bad people (v5)?
  4. What is meant by the words “impute” or “imputation”?
  5. What would have happened to God’s promise if God's Law had justified Abraham?
  6. What truth about the Law is taught in Rom 4:15?

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