Sunday School Outline Romans
Sunday School—Romans Outline
I. 4 exchanges
A. We exchanged the truth about God for a lie (Rom 1:25).
B. We sinned and God exchanged our communion w/Him for condemnation (Rom 1:28-32).
C. Jesus took our nature & came “in the likeness of sinful flesh” (Rom. 8:3) in order to exchange places with Adam (Rom 5:17).
D. In response to the great exchange that has been accomplished for us in Christ, there is an exchange accomplished in us by the Spirit: unbelief gives way to faith, rebellion is exchanged for trust (Rom 1:17).
II. Three Truths
A. The gospel is a free gift from God (Rom 6:23).
B. Salvation is received by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone (Rom 3:21-22; 5:1; 10:6,17).
C. The gospel has freed us from Satan, sin, and death to walk in newness of life (Rom 6:1-4; 8:38-39).
III. One Purpose
The obedience of faith among the nations (Rom 1:5; 15:18; 16:26).
I. Who is Paul? (the entire letter begins “Paul”)
A. Servant of Christ
1. Doulos = Servant of Jesus Christ—servant = slave; a purchased person who became master’s possession
2. Kurios = Lord (Phil 2:9)
1 Cor 6:19 —you are not your own
Acts 20:28 — purchased by blood of Christ
3. We are by nature in bondage to sin (VERSE??)
Irony: Christ sets us free from slavery to flesh and calls us to the freedom of slavery to Him.
2 Cor 3:17 —where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
We get our marching orders from Christ like Paul does.
B. An apostle
1. Disciple is not the same as an apostle. You are a disciple. There are no more apostles
2. Acts 1:20-26 sets 3 things for qualification: (1) disciple during Jesus’ earthly ministry (2) eyewitness to resurrection (3) directly called by Jesus
Is it inaccurate to say the 12 disciples? Sorta. 12 apostles is most accurate. Apostle means “sent one,” an ambassador who carries a message. But that message carries the authority of the one who sent him.
Silly to say “I only want to hear what Jesus says or the red letters are all that really matters.” Apostolic writings carry the Lord Jesus Christ’s delegated authority.
C. Separated to the gospel of God
I have been commissioned to proclaim God’s gospel, a gospel (good news) message that comes from Him and belongs to Him. It is His and He has set me apart to communicate it to you.
D. Called through Christ
1. Through Him we have received grace and apostleship (Paul’s calling in v5).
2. For the purpose of the obedience of faith of all the nations (vv5-6)
3. You are also called (so it is the call of every Christian in every church).
Church = ekklesia. Ek = “out of.” Kaleo = “to call.” Church = “called out ones.”
Christians called out of: world, bondage, death, sin, etc.
Christians are only called into Christ (and therefore His body, the Church).
4. What are you called to be? saints (v7).
It is your vocation. Which means it is who you are, not something you’re hoping to become. Most people are hoping to be good enough to get into heaven. That’s true of all vocations isn’t it? Physicians earned a degree and certification to practice medicine. Electricians earned a certification to practice electrical repair and installation. But it is a life of a vocation of living out that reality.
5. Result of being a saint? Beloved by God and therefore recipients of grace and peace (v7).
II. A Prophesied Gospel
A. Promised: OT essential in prophesying about Messiah in Gen 3:14-19 and promised seed of the woman.
B. It has authority.
1. Paul uses the term “holy” or “sacred” “writings” to refer to the OT law and prophets in order to show the credibility and authority of the message.
2. Bumper sticker quote…God said it, I believe it, that settles it. We need to rid ourselves of the middle part. If God has said it, then it is settled.
III. A gospel about Jesus Christ Our Lord
A. Jesus is His name, not Jesus Christ. Jesus bar Joseph or Jesus of Nazareth would have been his name.
B. Christ is the title. Christ = Messiah. So, Jesus Messiah.
C. The use of the phrase summarizes the whole life and work of Jesus.
1. Born according to what God said (further authority and credibility).
2. Concerning his human nature he descended from David. “Seed of David.” (v3)
3. Declared to be son of God with power. With respect to the divine nature, he came from heaven. (v4)
4. The declaration of power was made by the resurrection (v4)
If we had a catechism question about it:
Q: By what evidence do we believe that Jesus is the Son of God?
A: By the testimony of God who has declared Him to be His Son through the power of the resurrection.
Paul’s own words recorded in Acts 17:30-31 support this idea. Paul is saying that he is not the one declaring that Jesus is the Son of God. God has already declared it by the HS in the power of the resurrection.
I. Review
A. Reputation
B. Faith
1. Epidemic
2. Encouragement
3. Expanding
4. Expectational
5. Essential
II. Paul’s Thanks (v8)
A. Thanks (Gk: eucharisto, “Eucharist” describing celebration of Lord’s Supper)
B. Well-known Faith—"world" here meaning the known world
III. Paul’s Vow (vv9-10)
A. Makes vow “God as my witness”
B. Makes vow assuring them of his desire to visit them
1. Praying without ceasing
2. Planning the trip
3. Waiting on God’s will
IV. Paul’s Longing (vv11-15)
A. Passion to meet face to face (v11)—need for physical presence
B. Imparting spiritual gift (v11)—establishing confidence & maturity in their faith
C. For mutual encouragement (v12)
D. To see a harvest (v13)—further fruit of the Spirit
E. His moral debt and burden of the obligation as an apostle (v14)—2 Cor 2:14-17
F. Eagerness to preach the gospel to them face to face (v15)
I. The Modern Church’s Shame of the Gospel
II. Paul’s Lack of Shame in the Gospel
A. Good News
B. Power of God (vs. power of man)
C. Salvation
D. Everyone
1. Jew First
2. Also the Greek
I. Romans outline/overview
II. The Gospel Review
III. Righteousness
IV. How God reveals His righteousness
V. Faith
A. Knowledge
B. Heart
C. Commitment
1. What is righteousness?
2. Where is Romans 1:17 quoted in the OT?
3. What is the importance of the statement “the just shall live by faith”?
4. What doctrine does v17 represent as the fundamental doctrine of the gospel?
5. What act does v17 teach us every man must perform in order to salvation?
6. What are the three components of faith?
7. How do they fit into this verse?
I. 4 exchanges
A. We exchanged the truth about God for a lie (Rom 1:25).
B. We sinned and God exchanged our communion w/Him for condemnation (Rom 1:28-32).
C. Jesus took our nature & came “in the likeness of sinful flesh” (Rom. 8:3) in order to exchange places with Adam (Rom 5:17).
D. In response to the great exchange that has been accomplished for us in Christ, there is an exchange accomplished in us by the Spirit: unbelief gives way to faith, rebellion is exchanged for trust (Rom 1:17).
II. Three Truths
A. The gospel is a free gift from God (Rom 6:23).
B. Salvation is received by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone (Rom 3:21-22; 5:1; 10:6,17).
C. The gospel has freed us from Satan, sin, and death to walk in newness of life (Rom 6:1-4; 8:38-39).
III. One Purpose
The obedience of faith among the nations (Rom 1:5; 15:18; 16:26).
I. Who is Paul? (the entire letter begins “Paul”)
A. Servant of Christ
1. Doulos = Servant of Jesus Christ—servant = slave; a purchased person who became master’s possession
2. Kurios = Lord (Phil 2:9)
1 Cor 6:19 —you are not your own
Acts 20:28 — purchased by blood of Christ
3. We are by nature in bondage to sin (VERSE??)
Irony: Christ sets us free from slavery to flesh and calls us to the freedom of slavery to Him.
2 Cor 3:17 —where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
We get our marching orders from Christ like Paul does.
B. An apostle
1. Disciple is not the same as an apostle. You are a disciple. There are no more apostles
2. Acts 1:20-26 sets 3 things for qualification: (1) disciple during Jesus’ earthly ministry (2) eyewitness to resurrection (3) directly called by Jesus
Is it inaccurate to say the 12 disciples? Sorta. 12 apostles is most accurate. Apostle means “sent one,” an ambassador who carries a message. But that message carries the authority of the one who sent him.
Silly to say “I only want to hear what Jesus says or the red letters are all that really matters.” Apostolic writings carry the Lord Jesus Christ’s delegated authority.
C. Separated to the gospel of God
I have been commissioned to proclaim God’s gospel, a gospel (good news) message that comes from Him and belongs to Him. It is His and He has set me apart to communicate it to you.
D. Called through Christ
1. Through Him we have received grace and apostleship (Paul’s calling in v5).
2. For the purpose of the obedience of faith of all the nations (vv5-6)
3. You are also called (so it is the call of every Christian in every church).
Church = ekklesia. Ek = “out of.” Kaleo = “to call.” Church = “called out ones.”
Christians called out of: world, bondage, death, sin, etc.
Christians are only called into Christ (and therefore His body, the Church).
4. What are you called to be? saints (v7).
It is your vocation. Which means it is who you are, not something you’re hoping to become. Most people are hoping to be good enough to get into heaven. That’s true of all vocations isn’t it? Physicians earned a degree and certification to practice medicine. Electricians earned a certification to practice electrical repair and installation. But it is a life of a vocation of living out that reality.
5. Result of being a saint? Beloved by God and therefore recipients of grace and peace (v7).
II. A Prophesied Gospel
A. Promised: OT essential in prophesying about Messiah in Gen 3:14-19 and promised seed of the woman.
B. It has authority.
1. Paul uses the term “holy” or “sacred” “writings” to refer to the OT law and prophets in order to show the credibility and authority of the message.
2. Bumper sticker quote…God said it, I believe it, that settles it. We need to rid ourselves of the middle part. If God has said it, then it is settled.
III. A gospel about Jesus Christ Our Lord
A. Jesus is His name, not Jesus Christ. Jesus bar Joseph or Jesus of Nazareth would have been his name.
B. Christ is the title. Christ = Messiah. So, Jesus Messiah.
C. The use of the phrase summarizes the whole life and work of Jesus.
1. Born according to what God said (further authority and credibility).
2. Concerning his human nature he descended from David. “Seed of David.” (v3)
3. Declared to be son of God with power. With respect to the divine nature, he came from heaven. (v4)
4. The declaration of power was made by the resurrection (v4)
If we had a catechism question about it:
Q: By what evidence do we believe that Jesus is the Son of God?
A: By the testimony of God who has declared Him to be His Son through the power of the resurrection.
Paul’s own words recorded in Acts 17:30-31 support this idea. Paul is saying that he is not the one declaring that Jesus is the Son of God. God has already declared it by the HS in the power of the resurrection.
I. Review
A. Reputation
B. Faith
1. Epidemic
2. Encouragement
3. Expanding
4. Expectational
5. Essential
II. Paul’s Thanks (v8)
A. Thanks (Gk: eucharisto, “Eucharist” describing celebration of Lord’s Supper)
B. Well-known Faith—"world" here meaning the known world
III. Paul’s Vow (vv9-10)
A. Makes vow “God as my witness”
B. Makes vow assuring them of his desire to visit them
1. Praying without ceasing
2. Planning the trip
3. Waiting on God’s will
IV. Paul’s Longing (vv11-15)
A. Passion to meet face to face (v11)—need for physical presence
B. Imparting spiritual gift (v11)—establishing confidence & maturity in their faith
C. For mutual encouragement (v12)
D. To see a harvest (v13)—further fruit of the Spirit
E. His moral debt and burden of the obligation as an apostle (v14)—2 Cor 2:14-17
F. Eagerness to preach the gospel to them face to face (v15)
I. The Modern Church’s Shame of the Gospel
II. Paul’s Lack of Shame in the Gospel
A. Good News
B. Power of God (vs. power of man)
C. Salvation
D. Everyone
1. Jew First
2. Also the Greek
- What is the evangelical church’s definition of the gospel?
- What is a good biblical definition of the gospel?
- Does the biblical meaning for “gospel” create shame? Why or why not?
- Should the biblical meaning for “gospel” eliminate shame? Why or why not?
- Describe the power of God unto salvation.
- What is God’s gospel power compared to man’s gospel power? What are some modern examples?
- How do we know the gospel is for everyone?
- Why does Paul say it is to the Jew first and then to the Greek? Does this mean God shows favoritism?
I. Romans outline/overview
II. The Gospel Review
III. Righteousness
IV. How God reveals His righteousness
V. Faith
A. Knowledge
B. Heart
C. Commitment
1. What is righteousness?
2. Where is Romans 1:17 quoted in the OT?
3. What is the importance of the statement “the just shall live by faith”?
4. What doctrine does v17 represent as the fundamental doctrine of the gospel?
5. What act does v17 teach us every man must perform in order to salvation?
6. What are the three components of faith?
7. How do they fit into this verse?
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