Romans 2:17-29 Sunday School Outline & Questions

Romans 2:17-29 “The Intoxication of Pride”
Exposition: God’s chief concern is living the truth, not simply knowing the truth (2:1-16).  Possession of the Law is no good without obedience (2:17-24).  True salvation is a matter of the heart that comes by the Spirit and not adherence to sacraments (2:25-29).

I. You can’t hide behind pietism (Romans 2:17-24)

A. False Security in Possession of the Law (vv. 17-20)
  1. 2:17-18: Paul begins by addressing the Jews' reliance on the Law and their identity.
  2. 2:19-20: They see themselves as teachers of the blind and guides to the ignorant.
B. False Security in thinking you’re “better” than everyone else (vv. 21-23)
  • 2:21-22: Paul calls out hypocrisy. Knowing & teaching Law is worthless if not lived out in practice.
  • 2:23: Paul emphasizes that breaking the Law dishonors God, even if they claim allegiance to it.
C. The Consequence: God’s Name Is Blasphemed Among the Gentiles (v. 24)
  • Their failure to obey the Law results in the name of God being blasphemed among the Gentiles.

II. You can’t hide behind sacraments (Romans 2:25-29)
A. The Limitations of Circumcision (vv. 25-27)
  • 2:25: Circumcision is valuable only if the Law is obeyed.
  • 2:26-27: If an uncircumcised person keeps the Law’s requirements, he will be regarded as circumcised.
B. True Circumcision is a Matter of the Heart (vv. 28-29a)
  • 2:28: Paul contrasts outward identity w/inward reality. It isn’t external markers but internal change.
  • 2:29a: The true mark of belonging to God’s people is a heart transformed by the Holy Spirit, not external adherence to religious sacraments.
C. The Consequence: your praise comes from man (v29b)
  • Praise Comes from God, Not from Men (v. 29b)

  1. What is the “Roman Road” that has been mentioned during our Sunday School hour?
  2. Pop Quiz: 4 review questions to aid in remembering key ideas about Romans.
  3. What are the two things the Jews have that are different from everyone else?
  4. What four questions does Paul ask in verses 21-22, where do they come from, and why does he ask them?
  5. In v29, what is the difference between “Spirit” and “letter” and why is that important?

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